A flowchart that explains the different stages of decision making and emotions possibly related to a medical decision or pregnancy. The flowchart is divided into four sections each representing a different stage of the process. Each step has contextual information in a white text box a blue text box labeled "The Decision" with additional information and a dark blue text box labeled "Emotions". The text is blurry and difficult to read.
The first section is titled "Around the Moment" and it shows a young woman with long dark hair and a pink hat who appears to be deep in thought. The second section is labeled "Realization and Info Seeking" It shows two women. One is looking at a laptop screen with a concerned expression on her face and the other has her head in her hands and looks upset. The third section is labeled "Decision to Get" and shows a young woman with a serious or determined expression on her face. The fourth section is labeled "At Retail" and shows a woman browsing a pharmacy shelf. The second and third sections have a red box around them emphasizing these steps.
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