A photograph of a poster presentation titled "Pain with rest and activity plays little role in patients discharged early after total knee arthroplasty (TKA)". The poster has an orange blue and white color scheme.
The text is small and difficult to read but the headings are visible. They are: "Introduction" "Methods" "Pain Results" "Table 1. Patient Characteristics After Propensity Matching" "Figure 1. Relative Difference in [IMA?] and PAR" "Figure 2. Mean Distance Walked by Day After Surgery" "Results" "Figure 3. Correlation of [IMA?] and P[001?]" "Figure 4. Frequency of cases and controls discharge by day after surgery" "Conclusion" "Limitations" and "References". Figures 1 2 and 4 are bar graphs and Figure 3 is a scatter plot.
![A photograph of a poster presentation titled "Pain with rest and activity plays little role in patients discharged early after total knee arthroplasty (TKA)". The poster has an orange blue and white color scheme. <br /><br />The text is small and difficult to read but the headings are visible. They are: "Introduction" "Methods" "Pain Results" "Table 1. Patient Characteristics After Propensity Matching" "Figure 1. Relative Difference in [IMA?] and PAR" "Figure 2. Mean Distance Walked by Day After Surgery" "Results" "Figure 3. Correlation of [IMA?] and P[001?]" "Figure 4. Frequency of cases and controls discharge by day after surgery" "Conclusion" "Limitations" and "References". Figures 1 2 and 4 are bar graphs and Figure 3 is a scatter plot.](https://oida-resources-images.azureedge.net/public/full/8c4d7c84-34e8-4546-93c3-6d5bbad637a1.png)
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