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OIDA Image Collection
Of a Value Pack box of Betadine Sore Throat Lozenges. The box is white with graphic elements in red orange and yellow with text in red and white. The box lists product benefits : "Relieves sore throat discomfort" "Helps kill bacteria" "Iodine free". The flavor is orange and there are 36 tablets. There is also a silhouette of a human head in profile with a red dot in the throat area surrounded by orange and silver circles.


Betadine Sore Throat Lozenges box


Of a Value Pack box of Betadine Sore Throat Lozenges. The box is white with graphic elements in red orange and yellow with text in red and white. The box lists product benefits : "Relieves sore throat discomfort" "Helps kill bacteria" "Iodine free". The flavor is orange and there are 36 tablets. There is also a silhouette of a human head in profile with a red dot in the throat area surrounded by orange and silver circles.


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"Betadine Sore Throat Lozenges box." OIDA Image Collection. Available at