A table with three columns and three rows. The first column is titled "98 patients audited" and the second column is labeled "78 patients rated a "3" (severe)". The table is divided into three sections.
The first section has a list of 98 patients each with a different rating. The rating is:
- 30% (n=29) received scopolamine patch prep (62%) of this group needed no further antiemetics
- 33% (N=38) Zofran given postop (note: only 7 patients in this group received a "4" (very severe)".
- 38 patients (n =38) had an extended length of stay (1.5 to 5.5 hours) and 9 patients were admitted for multiple reasons including pain and PONV
- A typical uncomplicated length of Stay in this setting is approximately sixty minutes (4) at a billed cost of $512 for each additional 30 minutes in Same Day Surgery
- Phase II PONVI influences the surgical experience both financially and clinically.
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