A flowchart that represents the IRC PA Process. It is a visual representation of the process of opt-in receiving a product or service.
The flowchart is divided into six sections each representing a different step in the process. The first section is labeled "Opt-in Received" and shows the process in progress. The second section is titled "Assigned to PA Specialist" and has a description of the product. The third section is labeled "Email sent to SSP/RSM requesting missing info". The fourth section has a list of steps to follow such as "Confirmation email" "Confirm email" and "Continue follow-up email". The fifth section has an arrow pointing to the next step indicating that the process should be completed. The sixth section has two arrows pointing towards the top and bottom of the flowchart indicating the flow of information from the first step to the final step. The seventh section has three arrows pointing to each step with the first arrow pointing towards a specific step followed by a brief description of what the process entails. The eighth section has four arrows pointing in different directions with each step represented by a different color.
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