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A public service announcement for the ad campaign "Parents : the Anti-Drug" with the tagline "There's a new dealer in town". Explanatory text instructs parents to make sure that their teenage children aren't using the parents' prescriptions medications for non-medical (that is recreational) purposes. It includes a photograph wherein an open medicine cabinet (like one that would appear in one's home) is bolted to a brick wall in a dark alley (like one that would appear in a gritty cityscape). This seems to suggest that teenagers can acquire similar drugs with the same negative consequences both at home or in the streets. The name of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the name of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America are both in the bottom left corner. The logo and website of Parents : the Anti-Drug is in the bottom right corner.


Parents : the Anti-Drug PSA


A public service announcement for the ad campaign "Parents : the Anti-Drug" with the tagline "There's a new dealer in town". Explanatory text instructs parents to make sure that their teenage children aren't using the parents' prescriptions medications for non-medical (that is recreational) purposes. It includes a photograph wherein an open medicine cabinet (like one that would appear in one's home) is bolted to a brick wall in a dark alley (like one that would appear in a gritty cityscape). This seems to suggest that teenagers can acquire similar drugs with the same negative consequences both at home or in the streets. The name of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the name of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America are both in the bottom left corner. The logo and website of Parents : the Anti-Drug is in the bottom right corner.

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"Parents : the Anti-Drug PSA." OIDA Image Collection. Available at