A line graph that shows the relationship between oral transmucosal delivery and pharmacokinetics. The x-axis represents the time period from 1991 to 1999 and the y-axis indicates the number of patients who have been treated via oral transmucosal delivery.
There are two lines in the graph one representing plasma fentanyl (mg/mL) and the other representing gastric (15 mg/kg). The plasma fentanyl line is plotted on the left side of the graph and the gastric line is shown on the right side. The line shows that the plasma fentanyl is higher than the other two lines indicating a decrease in the amount of oral transmucosal delivery over time. The graph also shows that there is a significant increase in the number and percentage of patients in the first line with the highest percentage being in the second line and the lowest percentage being at the third line.
The graph also has a legend at the bottom that explains the meaning of each line. The background of the image is blue and there is text at the top that reads "Oral Transmucosal Delivery: Pharmacokinetics".

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