A collage of nine black and white photographs of people working in a laboratory. The photographs are arranged in a grid-like pattern with each photograph showing a different aspect of the laboratory.
The first photograph on the top left shows a group of people standing in front of a large table with various laboratory equipment and supplies. There are several bottles and jars on the table and a few people are standing behind the table. The second photograph in the top right shows a large crowd of people gathered in a field with a blue sky and clouds in the background. The third photograph is a close-up of a laboratory bench with a microscope and other scientific equipment. The fourth photograph is in the center of the collage with two people working on a machine. The fifth photograph is on the bottom left and the sixth photograph is at the bottom right.
All the photographs appear to be from the early 20th century as they are all dressed in lab coats and hats. The people in the photographs are smiling and looking at the camera.

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