The image provides information on managing the first 24 hours with Exalgo. It is split into three sections.
The left section has a blue background with white text. There is a title that reads "Managing the First 24 Hours with EXALGO is Extremely Important" in bold capital letters. Below the title there is a white circle and bullet points with information about the product.
In the center section there are two headers. The first header reads "Managing the first 24 hours after the initial dose is crucial. There is a pie chart representing hours after dosing and three bullet points explaining the timing of the effectiveness of the initial dose. The second header reads "The CROS technology provides a steady 24-hour release of hydromorphone." There is an illustration of a pill that has a grey casing and white interior and information about how the pill works.
On the right section there is the Exalgo logo at the top of the page. There is additional information about the CROS technology which is followed by a number of illustrated pink circles.
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