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OIDA Image Collection
A panel in a brochure titled "Octreoscan® (kit for the preparation of indium in 111 pentetreotide) Detect. Localize. Inform." The Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals logo is at the top of the page. It has a white background with a green and blue geometric pattern on the top left corner. There is a brief description of Octreoscan. At the center of the page there is a table titled "Octreoscan Imaging Agent Sensitivity" which shows tumor type and patient incident of imaging agent sensitivity. At the bottom of the page there is important risk information and the URL for


A panel in a brochure titled "Octreoscan® (kit for the preparation of indium in 111 pentetreotide) Detect. Localize. Inform." The Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals logo is at the top of the page. It has a white background with a green and blue geometric pattern on the top left corner. There is a brief description of Octreoscan. At the center of the page there is a table titled "Octreoscan Imaging Agent Sensitivity" which shows tumor type and patient incident of imaging agent sensitivity. At the bottom of the page there is important risk information and the URL for

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"A panel in a brochure titled "Octreoscan® (kit for the preparation of indium in 111 pentetreotide) Detect. Localize. Inform." The Mallinck...