A flowchart or organizational chart of a medical affairs team. It is a visual representation of the organizational structure of the team with each team represented by a box and arrows connecting them.
The chart is divided into two sections with the top section representing the team's name and the bottom section representing their respective roles and responsibilities. The first section is labeled "Medical Affairs Team" and has a list of names and their respective positions. The second section has a table with columns for each team member's name and position. The table also has rows for other relevant information.
At the top of the chart there is a blue box with the words "Medical Affairs Team" written in white text. Below the box there are two arrows pointing in opposite directions indicating the direction of the flow of information between the teams. The arrows are labeled with the names of the members and the positions they are associated with. The chart is color-coded with blue representing the first team member green representing the second team member and white representing the third team member.
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