A flowchart that shows the organizational structure of a patient's treatment plan. It is divided into different sections each representing a different step in the treatment process.
The first section is labeled "Evaluation and Diagnosis" and shows the different stages of the treatment. The first step is "Orthopedist" which is the first step in treatment for pain in the knee. The second step is titled "Primary Care Physician" which represents the primary care physician. The third step is called "Non-Surgical Candidate" which means that the patient is a non-surgical candidate. The fourth step is labeled as "Multiple Joints" and represents multiple joints. The fifth step is described as "Other Co-Morbidity History or Risk".
There are also several other steps in the flowchart such as "Treatment" "Fulfillment" and "Persistence". These steps are likely related to the treatment plan as indicated by the text at the bottom of the image. The flowchart also includes a note that reads "Prior Authorization Not Required" and "PA Approved".
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