A bar graph that shows the number of people who have been diagnosed with cancer in the United States. The graph is divided into four sections each representing a different period of time.
The first section is titled "NUCYNTAC" and it shows the percentage of people diagnosed with the disease. The second section is labeled "HCP Resources" and shows that the percentage has increased from 0.5% to 100%. The third section has a bar chart that shows a decrease in the percentage with the highest percentage being in the top left corner and the lowest percentage in the bottom right corner. The fourth section has two bars one in orange and the other in red representing the percentage change in the number. The bars are color-coded with orange representing the highest number of patients and the red representing the lowest number.
At the bottom of the graph there is a section titled "End-Stage Diagnostic Joint Disease Study" which provides information about the end-stage diagnostic joint disease study. The text below the graph explains that the study is focused on diagnosing and managing the condition of the disease and that it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with it.
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