A web based advertisement for Xartemis XR from the Xartemis XR website with the tagline "Simple dosing - 2 tablets twice daily - means potentially fewer pills and predictable OC/APAP exposure". It includes a data visualization with the title "Daily Dosing of Percocet vs. Xartemis XR" which shows that Xartemis XR requires fewer tablets per day (only 4 pills of the 7.5/325 mg dosage) and less frequent administration (once every 12 hours). There is also a photograph of a woman - presumably "Margo" a hypothetical patient - in a business suit with her hands clasped. Important Risk Information is at the bottom. A menu bar is at the top with a Xartemis XR logo in the top right corner. The background is white and green with graphic elements in green gray blue and red with text in white purple green and black.
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