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OIDA Image Collection
A table that explains the prescription drug marketplace. There are 6 elements listed - Payer Provider Population Prescriber Product and Place - that could variously be described as roles (Payer Provider Population Prescriber) or context (Product Place). Each element is defined with examples listed underneath (ex : Payers are Financially responsible for health care and Rx and may be Employers Government or Patients Out-of-Pocket). The background is gray with graphic elements in blue and text in black.


A table that explains the prescription drug marketplace. There are 6 elements listed - Payer Provider Population Prescriber Product and Place - that could variously be described as roles (Payer Provider Population Prescriber) or context (Product Place). Each element is defined with examples listed underneath (ex : Payers are Financially responsible for health care and Rx and may be Employers Government or Patients Out-of-Pocket). The background is gray with graphic elements in blue and text in black.

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"A table that explains the prescription drug marketplace. There are 6 elements listed - Payer Provider Population Prescriber Product and Place - that ...