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OIDA Image Collection
A table that shows the possible daily dosing schedule for XARTEMIS XR. The table shows time periods over the course of the day in four hour increments from 8 am to 4 am. The rows for 8 am and 8 pm both have illustrations of two blue pills in them. Text at the bottom of the page reads: "Total Daily Dose: 30/1300 mg".


A table that shows the possible daily dosing schedule for XARTEMIS XR. The table shows time periods over the course of the day in four hour increments from 8 am to 4 am. The rows for 8 am and 8 pm both have illustrations of two blue pills in them. Text at the bottom of the page reads: "Total Daily Dose: 30/1300 mg".

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"A table that shows the possible daily dosing schedule for XARTEMIS XR. The table shows time periods over the course of the day in four hour increment...