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OIDA Image Collection
A screenshot of a mobile phone screen appearing to feature a symptom tracking app. The top of the screenshot reads "Add Note". The app is prompting the user to enter their pain level and symptoms including morning stiffness fatigue joint tenderness or the ability to add a symptom. Other sections of the app appear to allow a user to enter triggers treatments and comments. with a list of symptoms and treatments. The background of the screenshot is white.


A screenshot of a mobile phone screen appearing to feature a symptom tracking app. The top of the screenshot reads "Add Note". The app is prompting the user to enter their pain level and symptoms including morning stiffness fatigue joint tenderness or the ability to add a symptom. Other sections of the app appear to allow a user to enter triggers treatments and comments. with a list of symptoms and treatments. The background of the screenshot is white.

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"A screenshot of a mobile phone screen appearing to feature a symptom tracking app. The top of the screenshot reads "Add Note". The app is p...