An advertisement for Kadian's morphine sulfate extended-release capsules. The background is a light green color and the text is in black. On the left side of the image there is a photo of an elderly person with their back to the camera. They are not wearing a shirt and has their hair pulled back in a bun. The main text on the image reads "KADIAN delivers exactly what your older patients need in a morphine therapy".
The header for the first section reads: " "Morphine sulfate Extended-Release Capsules allow for low initial dosing" with five bullet points of explanatory text. The second header reads: "Flexible administration options for different patient needs" and states that "Up to 60% of nursing home residents have swallowing disorders".
There are three images at the bottom of the page representing how the medication can be delivered. The first image shows a white pill that reads "As a capsule". The second image shows an illustration of a pill being broken and having its contents being poured onto food in a spoon. The label reads "Sprinkle dosing". The third image shows medical tubing with the label "G-tube dosing."
At the bottom right corner of the advertisement the Kadian logo and the words "Less Pain Expect More" are written in white text.

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