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OIDA Image Collection
A flowchart showing the process when a "Patient seeks treatment for pain in the knee(s)". It is divided into 5 sections : Origination Evaluation and Diagnosis Treatment Fulfillment and Persistency. Each section has multiple elements sometimes in multiple rows connected to other elements by one or more arrows. Some elements are color-coded have annotations are starred etc. The background is light blue with graphic elements in dark blue blue green and red with text in black and white.


A flowchart showing the process when a "Patient seeks treatment for pain in the knee(s)". It is divided into 5 sections : Origination Evaluation and Diagnosis Treatment Fulfillment and Persistency. Each section has multiple elements sometimes in multiple rows connected to other elements by one or more arrows. Some elements are color-coded have annotations are starred etc. The background is light blue with graphic elements in dark blue blue green and red with text in black and white.

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"A flowchart showing the process when a "Patient seeks treatment for pain in the knee(s)". It is divided into 5 sections : Origination Evalu...